About the Journal

RMd • Economics, Management & Social Sciences

New link: https://ojs.nmdjournals.org/index.php/emss/

An academic journal with scientific arbitration, whose aim is to publish articles of theoretical foundation, reflection or empirical research, seeking to disseminate scientific knowledge through of unpublished work in the various areas of economics sciences and in matters directly related to social and economic development.
Frequency: biannual (continuous flow)

The journal «RMd • Economics, Management & Social Sciences» is published in full open access. The submission, publication and consultation of articles are free of charge to both authors and readers.

ISSN: 2976-0364   |   Journal DOI+: 10.23882/EMSS 


Peer review process
a) Checking the manuscript and its suitability for publication;
b) Sending the article for review and analysis by external/independent peers (double-blind);
c) Articles that are fit for publication but require minor changes will be sent back to the authors for reworking;
d) When approved, they will go through the standardization process before being sent for publication.

Code of ethics and good practice
This journal maintains an anti-plagiarism policy to ensure that all published works are original, using specific tools to detect plagiarism. An anti-plagiarism policy that allows us to guarantee standards of originality, to ensure innovative and relevant scientific production. 
Statement of ethical publishing standards and good editorial practices: PDF-eng


Creative Commons License
The texts published here have a License Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0.